Interview with Upcoming Commercial Model... Venice Min

Can you recognize the billboard girl of HSBC credit card and various commercial advertisement?

Yes. She is here with Finance Malaysia Blog.

In this special Merdeka posting, we are glad to have a chance to conduct an exclusive interview with another upcoming and proud Malaysian. She is Venice Min, an ordinary girl who eventually became one of the most wanted girl-next-door. Let's explore more...

  • Name                             : Venice Min
  • Hometown                     : Penang, Malaysia but I'm based in KL currently
  • Hobby                            : Reading, Singing, Spa/Massage therapy session, Traveling 
  • Favorite Sports             : Swimming & Running
  • Favorite Singer             : Rihanna & Whitney Houston 
  • Favorite Foods             : Chicken Wings, Spicy Thai food and Penang street foods
  • Favorite Places            : I am always working or spending my time in university so I do not have much time chilling out, so my favorite places are very subjective. It could be a shopping mall or home and I really love traveling so I would say that my favorite countries are Australia, United States, and Japan (that I've always wanted to visit)!

  1. Since you are still studying, what makes you venturing into the modeling industry? Or, how?
    I started when I was at the age of 17 right after my high school. I was signed by an agency in Penang (Velvet Productions) and then a few months later, a magazine company from Kuala Lumpur approached me for a shoot. Everything was very impromptu because I used to be really outgoing, loved meeting new friends and trying out different things plus I was really into modeling so I started to go for castings in talent agencies. Then, I was lucky enough to get commercial shoots and jobs until today.

  2. How did you juggle between study and work currently? If given the option to only choose one, which one will you sacrifice? (Very difficult question for you!)
    Yes, this is a very tough question because I love both! haha. Hmm, I like what I'm doing and what I'm studying (Bachelor of Mass Communications Majoring in Public Relations & Minor in Broadcasting). I have this little organizer book with me that I bring around most of the time. So, every single thing I need to do I will jot it down on that book and my school timetable is my phone wallpaper. Basically, I believe if you are organized, determined, and hard working then you can do it. I will sacrifice my job if I were given a choice - but of course, I don't just sacrifice unless I really need to (like during my examinations or something important).

  3. In your mind, what's your biggest achievement so far?

    In my mind, I think my biggest achievement is the exposure I gained from my advertisements and being one of FHM Malaysia Cover girl and winning 3rd in FHM Most Wanted Women in the world 2013.

  4. Being the face of HSBC bank and featuring on various magazines, will these changes your daily life?

    Hmm, to be honest, yes at first I couldn't really adapt to it in terms of seeing myself in the public (malls) but I started to get used to it months after that. It does not change my daily life very much because I am still doing the same thing every day and I don't really care about my surroundings. Well, maybe a little busier with work? Because life is all about improving right?

  5. What course are you studying now? And, what's your planning after graduating?
    Bachelor of Mass Communications majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Broadcasting. Ah! I am a very ambitious person and I want to do everything haha. So, after graduating I will still be doing the same thing which is modeling and blogging. Then apart from that, probably going to run a small business (which I've been always wanting to open one!) and work in a Public Relations firm. At the same time, probably train up my public speaking skills so I can be a TV presenter? (Am I qualified? haha). So many things in my mind! I will just go with the flow for now. Actions are louder than words after all!

  6. Do you plan to venture into film/fashion/music industry also? If yes, can disclose a little bit with us what's boiling in the pipeline?
    Well, I love singing but I don't see myself being a singer because you know there are just too many things for me to handle and I believe when you have too many things to do, you can't focus and eventually it will turn out to be a mess! Maybe in the future, who knows? As for the film, I've actually acted in a Chinese movie but I do not know when it will be screening. I love trying new things but not now. As I have classes like almost every single day of the week! :(

Wow... We are confident that Venice Min will be the name every one of us must watch out for in the near future. She is ambitious, have big dreams, and dare to go all out to make things happen. If Finance Malaysia want to have an advertisement in the future, Venice Min must be the person we will look for.

With this, we would like to thanks Venice Min for her valuable time spent and we wish her a great career and journey ahead. Awaiting the screening of her new movie soon. See you in the future.

You can follow Venice Min via:


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